After receiving a shocking surprize when she got her baby, she asked me if its possible to strip her and reborn her from scratch.
I had to remove the old paint (if a half an hour was spent painting her, its a lot) and removed the hair, which was only rooted in patches and very badly done with lots of plugs. I also made a horrifying discovery inside the doll.....
Almost no paint at all PLUS I pulled the hair out with one yank as the wood glue used to seal the hair, did not dry!!! It was all wet and sticky on the inside. No wonder she was not allowed to comb the hair right away!
NO paint, bad eyebrows and bad lips...
I found this inside the doll... looks like some or other type of crushed stone bought from a gardening centre or petshop as used in fish tanks..... Eeuwwwwwwwww!!!
Luca AFTER been re-reborned